
RKLI-ALPTKI UNP Team and Undiksha Collaborate in Preparing Skilled IPLT Students for PTSD

RKLI-ALPTKI UNP Team and Undiksha Collaborate in Preparing Skilled IPLT Students for PTSD

Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) in collaboration with Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) and the Indonesian Association of Educational Institutions for Educators (ALPTKI) is holding integrated training for students. This program aims to train students in the Ifdil Perceptual Light Therapy (IPLT) technique to address PTSD. Led by Dr. Zadrian Ardi from UNP, this training includes theory and practice to identify PTSD symptoms and apply IPLT as therapy. This collaboration is expected to produce graduates skilled in handling psychological trauma in Indonesia.