The challenges of education are becoming more complex and diverse in the era of globalization and the 4.0 industrial revolution (Ahyani et al., 2020; Alimuddin et al., 2023; Azlina et al., 2021; Jemani & Zamroni, 2020; Santika, 2021). In this context, education is related to the provision of knowledge and building of character (Faiz & Kurniawaty, 2020; Fauzi, 2020; Mbeo & Krisdiantoro, 2021) to develop the skills of the 21st century and prepare students to face a dynamic and uncertain future (Legi et al., 2023; Thana & Hanipah, 2023). Therefore, an in-depth understanding of human learning and development is crucial (Agustina et al., 2023). Neuroscience as the branch of science that analyzes the nervous system, especially the brain, provides valuable insights into the process of human learning and development.
Within the framework of education, reform must be applied to every component of the system (Najib & Maunah, 2022; Nisrokha, 2020). Therefore, every educated individual needs to understand and apply innovation to develop education (Hidayattullah et al., 2023) in the process of achieving maximum results, as well as in the development of institutions. Educational innovation is an idea or method perceived and observed as something new to someone or a group (Harmita et al., 2022; Yanti, 2021), due to inversion or discovery used to solve problems. Meanwhile, education is among the main pillars of development in a country (Kusumawati et al., 2023; Safei & Hudaidah, 2020; Sanga & Wangdra, 2023; Syafii et al., 2023). In the era of globalization and the 4.0 industrial revolution, the concept serves to transfer knowledge, shape character, develop skills, and prepare students for the challenges of the future (Jemani & Zamroni, 2020; Kaliongga et al., 2023; Komala, 2022; Setiawati et al., 2023). Neuroscience (Ajeng et al., 2023; Mustaqimah & Suyadi, 2023; Wahid, 2022), offers in-depth insight into human learning and evolution. In an educational context, an understanding of this science can assist teachers, parents, and policymakers in creating a more effective learning environment and supporting the holistic development of learners.
Trauma and human behavior are important areas to be considered in education. Trauma, caused by violence, natural disasters, or depressing life experiences, can have a long-term impact on learning ability and psychological well-being (Anitasari, 2024; Masrukin, 2020; Nurhayati & Setyani, 2021; Rahmawati & Rahmawati, 2022; Setiyowati, 2023). Therefore, appropriate and evidence-based interventions are essential to help individuals who experience trauma and ensure to reach full potential in education.