Kuala Lumpur, UM. Prof. Ifdil, S.Pd., S.HI., M.Pd., Ph.D., Kons, introduced the Ifdil Perceptual Light Technique (IPLT) as an alternative for recovering from traumatic issues and other psychological problems. The event was held on Monday, June 24, 2024, at the Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, Malaysia.
Associate Prof. Dr. Melati Binti Sumari from the Department of Educational Psychology and Counselling, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya, mentioned that "IPLT has become a very simple and practical healing method in addressing traumatic issues." She emphasized that everyone working in the field of counseling should master this technique as one of the methods for mental recovery, said Melati.
A similar sentiment was expressed by the lecturers who stated that this technique is indeed effective in addressing mental health issues. The effectiveness of IPLT was directly demonstrated through a demonstration conducted in front of lecturers and students. IPLT uses light as a sensory stimulus that serves to divert attention from traumatic imagery, helping individuals to cope with their traumatic experiences.
At the end of the IPLT session, all participants were pleased with this counseling innovation as an alternative trauma treatment. They hope to participate in serious training for IPLT, which will certainly enrich counseling knowledge with a culture that aligns with Eastern society.