Vision, Mision and Objectives


The vision is to be a center of excellence in neuroscience, trauma, and human behavior research in education by 2028. This reflects a commitment to being a leader in research and development, with a focus on innovation and positive impact on education and society.


  1. Implementing Innovative Research: Develop and conduct innovative research in the fields of neuroscience, trauma, and human behavior to enhance understanding and practice in education.
  2. Seminate Research Results: Disseminate results in the form of scientific publications, products, or programs beneficial to the improvement of the quality of education.
  3. Doing Dedication to the Society: Provide services and programs adapted to the needs of the community, especially those related to the field of research, to improve well-being and quality of life.


  1. Developing Research Products: Produce research products used in education, such as learning modules, measuring tools, and intervention programs.
  2. Publish Research Results: Increase the number of scientific publications in reputable journals at national and international levels.
  3. Establishing Cooperation: Develop collaboration in domestic and international fields to strengthen research networks and improve the quality of results.